CUB Retreat
Every year in the Fall, we host a retreat known in our community as “The CUB Retreat.” It is a unique 2-day event open to anyone who wants to learn and/or connect about the lived adoption experience. We welcome birth/first parents, adoptees, adoptive families, relatives, professionals working in our community and anyone who wants to learn more about the impact of the lived adoption/separation experience. Sign-up for the retreat usually begins in mid-Summer with the event usually taking place in October.
2024 Retreat
Our Kansas City Retreat brought members and allies together from across the nation.
2023 Retreat
We had such an incredible time at our 2023 CUB Retreat. See the agenda and know that our retreat committee is already hard at work to make sure the next retreat is just as memorable.
2022 Retreat
Our 2022 retreat in Tampa, FL was extraordinary. Check out the agenda to see what we experienced together!
2021 Retreat
Our 2021 retreat in Marina del Rey, CA drew over 100 people from all over the country. Check out the agenda from the retreat to see what kind of unique sessions, films, and other events we had.